After a decade turning ideas into digital products, it's time to say goodbye πŸ‘‹

Moka was born in 2012 out of a shared need for a space where we, the founders, could exercise and express our perspectives on design and technology.

Our goal then was also to create a playground for other people like us, where they could experiment and learn how to design and engineer real-world challenges. Over the past decade, we've succeeded in pushing our limits both individually and as a group.

Navigating the twists and turns of the ever-evolving tech industry has been a rollercoaster and an inexhaustible source of learning and growth. What we didn't even imagine at the beginning of this journey was that, as founders, we might eventually reach a point where Moka no longer aligned with our life purpose.

After 11 years of running our agency and gaining invaluable experience in the process, we've decided to shut down Moka to return to our roots and reconnect with the crafts we love. While this decision is bittersweet, we view it as a new opportunity to think and discover how we fit in this new world.

We are forever grateful to every employee, client, and partner who played a role in this adventure. Your trust, support, and commitment have been essential to our story.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible ride.

Until we meet again,
Joel & Pablo

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